Directors And Their Composers – Ken Loach and George Fenton Part I

Directors And Their Composers – Mike Leigh and Andrew Dickson and Gary Yershon Part IV

Directors And Their Composers – Mike Leigh and Andrew Dickson and Gary Yershon Part III

Directors And Their Composers – Mike Leigh and Andrew Dickson and Gary Yershon Part II

Directors And Their Composers – Mike Leigh and Andrew Dickson and Gary Yershon Part I

Directors And Their Composers – Werner Herzog and Ernst Reijseger Part III

Directors And Their Composers – Werner Herzog and Ernst Reijseger Part II

Directors And Their Composers – Werner Herzog and Ernst Reijseger Part I

ACCES 2019

Out to Africa
Stephan Eicke

A Broad Spectrum
Stephan Eicke
Walter Murch has…

No Time for Despair
it doesn't mean you suck
Stephan Eicke
About us
MediaSoundHamburg is an international summer school for FilmMusic, GameMusic and SoundDesign that has taken place annually in Hamburg since 2011. For six days, national and international film composers, game musicians and sound designers meet international professionals and renowned experts. In various workshops, MasterClasses and the MSH Conference, the participants work on concrete projects and get new ideas for their artistic work. We support young talents from all over the world by awarding scholarships. Since 2011, we have awarded around 100 scholarships.
We pay special attention to the promotion of women. Thus, the topic WOMEN IN AUDIO will be one of our focal points again this year.
With other attractive special events such as the YoungTalentAward Media Music, the MSH Conference, the AfricanNight and workshop discussions with directors and film composers, MediaSoundHamburg is also opening up its programme to an interested public.
The festival centre is the ibis Hotel Hamburg St. Pauli Messe.